Tuesday 21 June 2016


The last few weeks I’ve been poorly, and haven’t been feeling at all writerly, hence the rather large blank space in the blog. I have however, been taking photos of what has been a very mild autumn in our tiny part of world. 

No matter what the season, crows are a constant round here. It isn't unusual for us to be woken by the sound of crow claws scratching the metal roof, as they hop along the guttering searching for unwary spider and insects.  It is unusual though, to see them just sitting quietly on the fence. 

The orb spider is still in residence at the side of the house, and is living the good life, feasting on the myriad of tiny insects that have arrived with the mild, wet autumn weather.

And of course, our annual 'crop' of mushrooms have appeared, and keep appearing, with every shower of rain. Autumn really is the best.