Saturday 27 June 2015

This week

Bare branches

 Daytime moonlight



And tiny spiders

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Winter Solstice - almost

These photos were taken last week, the week prior to winter solstice.

After reading about Maes Howe, in Kathleen Jamie’s book, Findings, I had intended to record the track of the light through the house and yard, cast by the winter solstice sunrise and subsequent daylight. (This is not because I think our house is something akin to a burial site, but because I am in awe of the people who knew their landscape so well, as to know the exact spot the sun's rays would hit at a given point in time, the day of winter solstice). However, heavy rain greeted us yesterday morning, so my intended photo assignment did not come to pass. Instead, we lit some candles, made coffee and toast, and had breakfast next to the fire. My absolute favourite way to start a winter’s day.

And today, because it’s just 2° outside, I’m tracking the sun’s progress through the house with the washing.