Thursday 11 December 2014

Summer Arrives

Although we have missed the early and stifling heat, the rest of the country seems to have had, the light through the kitchen window this morning has a bright summer sheen to it and the forecast for today is 35°.

Indi, our sweet grey tabby cat, has positioned herself in the garden bed along the back fence. This spot not only catches the early morning sun but is also partially shaded by the Tallow tree, allowing her to move into or out of the sun, depending on whether she wants to warm up or cool down. I have seen her move quite a few times this morning; the breeze is cool enough to warrant clasping your arms, but the sun has a definite sting to it. 

Summertime in this garden, and house I might add, means spiders. This one has woven a web across the tangle of jasmine and honeysuckle growing over one of our boundary fences

A Garden Orb Weaver, these spiders look scary, but are relatively harmless. Still as this web is at head height and positioned almost directly above the garden tap, I might start filling the watering can in the laundry.