Thursday, 23 July 2015

Winter flowers

The Flame trees that grow along the perimeter of the park opposite the train station, are ablaze with the red flowers that give these trees their name. A flock of rainbow lorikeets screeching their enjoyment, were almost out voiced by a family of wattle birds, also making the most of the nectar on offer. It was a noisy wait for the train.

In our garden things are little quieter. The Hardenbergia or native wisteria that scrambles over our back fence is flowering.

 We actually planted this with the blue banded bees in mind, but they have never shown any interest in the blossoms, honey bees on the other hand love it. 

The snow drops that were in the garden when we arrived more than ten years ago, are also putting on their own quiet show. This winter, they are popping up in the most unexpected places, due I suspect to being tossed and tumbled around when the backyard was excavated last year. I dug out any many as I could find prior to the landscaper starting, but probably needn’t have bothered as there are easily three times the number I replanted. They surely are the hardiest of bulbs.

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